
2018-5-13 · 1.4 LDAP LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol),轻量目录访问协议,是一种用来查询与更新 Active Directory 的目录服务通信协议。 AD 域服务利用 LDAP 命名路径(LDAP naming path)来表示对象在 AD 内的位置,以便用它来访问 AD 内的对象。 轻型目录访问协议_百度百科 2018-12-23 · LDAP由互联网工程任务组(IETF)的文档RFC定义,使用了描述语言ASN.1定义。 最新的版本是版本3,由RFC 4511所定义。例如,一个用语言描述的LDAP的搜索如:“在公司邮件目录中搜索公司位于那什维尔名字中含有“Jessy”的有邮件地址的所有人。 Client APIs – LDAP.com For LDAP servers to be of any use, there must be clients to interact with them. There is already a wide range of open source and proprietary LDAP-enabled software, but organizations using an LDAP server to store data often want to write their own applications tailored specifically to their use of that data. Fortunately, there…

About the Secure LDAP service - G Suite - Google Help

For LDAP servers to be of any use, there must be clients to interact with them. There is already a wide range of open source and proprietary LDAP-enabled software, but organizations using an LDAP server to store data often want to write their own applications tailored specifically to their use of that data. Fortunately, there…

TestLink 配置LDAP (Active Directory) - 简书

LDAP搜索中的CN、OU、DC是什么? - 问答 - 云+ … 2018-1-27 · 我有这样的LDAP搜索查询结果。究竟什么意思? ("CN=Dev-India,OU=Distribution Groups,DC=gp,DC=gl,DC=google,DC=com"); 什么是CN,OU,DC?从RFC 2253: 查询中的字符串意味着什么?字符串("CN=Dev-India,OU=Distribution Groups,DC=gp,DC=gl,DC=google,DC=com")是从层次结构(二)DIT=目录信息树),并应从右(根)左转(叶)